Episode 28 - TL;DL - Season One Wrap Up

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Episode 28 is special because we wrapped up Season One with a TL;DL (Too Long; Didn’t Listen) wrap up! In this episode, we shared our favorite highlights from all of the sections of the show throughout the season. If, like Lueda, you’ve got too many unlistened-to podcasts in your queue, then this is a great episode to listen to to catch up on what we loved from Season One. 

Lueda’s favorite discussion topic this season was “Saying I Love You” from Episode 3. It’s amazing when, as friends, you start incorporating “I love you” into your dialogue; often the friendship deepens because an understanding is reached around how much you care for one another. 

My favorite topic was a patron question from Episode 18: What do you do when there’s a falling out between friends? Who says sorry first? While this may seem like an odd favorite, I think disagreements and falling outs between friends happen way more than we realize. If we can put intentionality around how we handle disagreements and how we want to move forward with our friends, I think in the long-run we will be happier and have more friends! It’s an important lesson for all of us. I find it helps to frame the question: Do you want to be right, or do you want to have friends?

Lueda made a great point on the show: both of these topics of discussion are expressions of building trust within your friendship! What a wonderful observation. 

Have something you’d like to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear it! Send it to us at areyoutwostillfriends@gmail.com 

Friendship Tip

It’s funny because both of our favorite friendship tips from this season came to us without much thought. 

Mine was “Send Postcards” which I talked about in Episode 23. This is such a small and cost-effective way to stay in touch with a friend, while also sending them something that’s out of the norm (like a text or an email) that will immediately give them a little boost of happiness. Remember, don’t put too much pressure on this! You can make your own postcards, find random ones where you live or send them from places you visit -- it’s all about the thought here!

Lueda’s favorite tip was “Be Willing to Try New Things” which she talked about in Episode 7. This is a theme in Lueda’s life right now and a mantra of sorts that she tries to keep in mind when interacting with her friends. More often than not, she’s going to have a great time when she tries new things! It’s worth it to keep pushing herself to broaden her horizons. It’s often when we’re trying new things that our best stories happen -- that happens in friendships and in life!

“Your best stories happen outside of your comfort zone.” 

What questions did we ponder this season? 

For Lueda, her favorite question was one she continued to ponder in this season of life: what does healthy look like for me? She asked this question in Episode 14 and continues to look at her life and consider what practices will help her operate at her healthiest. This is a great question for all of us to think about from time to time. 

My favorite question is also one that I continue to ponder in my life: what does it mean to be fearless? I asked this question all the way back in Episode 2, but I continue to ask myself this question as I move through life this year. So many of us allow fear to stop us from living our best lives, from taking a big leap, from going after what we really want in life. So I continue to ask this question of myself in my personal life and in my professional life with the hopes of helping myself break through the perceived limits that, in my mind, are holding me back.

What content did we consume this season? 

Hands down, my favorite content that I talked about on the show this year was home body by Rupi Kaur in Episode 12. This book really sparked my creativity and I had to stop in the middle of reading it to complete a bunch of my own creative writing because my mind felt on fire with ideas and things I had to get down on paper. It’s an inspiring book and one I plan to read again before the end of the year. 

For Lueda, she was really taken with the show Madame Secretary, which she talked about in Episode 18. It is wholesome content and a great look at what the Secretary of State does all day that keeps Lueda coming back for more!

What’s something uplifting we’d like to share with others?

It’s funny that we’re wrapping up Season One by talking about seasons. For Lueda, this was an uplifting concept that she shared in Episode 24. The idea that we’re all going through seasons; that no season will last forever; that you have to put work in during some seasons to yield the harvest in other seasons; that there is hope on the horizon of every season -- all of that was incredibly uplifting for Lueda. Especially this year and last, I think we can all agree that framing the global pandemic as a “season” can help us move through this time with a sense of optimism for the future and a bit of peace for being in the tough stuff in the now. 

Right in line with Lueda’s uplifting concept, my favorite was from Episode 11 when I talked about Cherry Blossom Season in Japan. Honestly, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than strolling beneath Cherry Blossom trees in full bloom. They are heavenly, they reconnect you with nature, and they remind you of the fleeting nature of seasons and the opportunity we’re given to enjoy what’s present in the “now.”

It’s interesting that both of these are focused on the beginnings and the endings in life, and how that circle never ends. 

What’s something that’s sparked passion in us during this season?  

While this may seem self-gratifying, completing my 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training reinvigorated my passion for sharing yoga and meditation with others. I met so many people in Japan through offering yoga and I had numerous people tell me before I left how much of an impact I made on their well-being. This is a gift that I have that I can share with others, and I’m passionate about continuing to do so! Listen to Episode 22 to get the full details!

On another fitness-related note, Lueda felt so passionate around the concept of Alex Toussant saying, “Pick your head up” at the perfect time during a Peleton workout. It’s a reminder to keep going, but to enjoy the journey when you can! This made Lueda excited to think about how she can encourage other people to “pick their heads up” and to keep going.  Listen to Episode 13 to get the full details!

In friendship,

Alexis & Lueda


Episode 29 - Fake Friends: Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee


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