Episode 7 - Defining “Vacation”; Trying New Things; Schitt’s Creek; Helping Others

In this episode, Alexis and Lueda define "vacation" and discuss what the term means to each of them. They also share the friendship tip of "be willing to try new things" which goes hand-in-hand with the friendship tip from Episode 6.

Topic of Discussion

In this episode we discussed the definition of “Vacation.” 

It’s interesting when you think about the term “vacation” because people define it in so many ways. For example: 

Adventure versus Relaxing

Going somewhere versus Staycation

Somewhere new versus returning to the same place

Going with other people versus going alone

Going to see new things versus going to recharge the batteries

Budget each day versus spending within reason without a plan

Lueda is a relaxing vacation person who doesn’t mind going to one place over and over or visiting somewhere new. But if she ends up going on an adventure, she classifies that as a trip. As an extrovert, Lueda will always want to go with other people and will prefer the opportunity to recharge her batteries. Lueda is a fan of a good hotel and perfectly happy to do a staycation in Minnesota. But she doesn’t necessarily like them at home because its so tempting to do chores and work at home, despite having the time off. 

I am an adventure vacation person who prefers to go somewhere new over returning to the same place over and over again (unless its an annual ski trip!). As an ambivert, I can go on a vacation by myself (though I never have) or I’d rather go with one or two other people. I’ll usually take the opportunity to see new things over relaxing, but if I plan a trip with the mindset of going to relax, then I can make that happen and not feel like I wasted the trip. I’m not a staycation person in my own home; but I love a good hotel room or a “new” place within the state in which I’m currently residing. It can even be in my own town! But it has to be outside of my home, since I consider my home a sanctuary where I find a lot of stability. 

Lueda and I are also on the same page that trying new things -- specifically food -- is a huge part of vacation. And we both feel as though, when you’re on vacation, its okay to spend the money, to have the experience, to lean into the moment (within reason, of course!). The point is to be on vacation and to have the experience you wouldn’t normally have at home. 

More than anything, we both agree that “vacation” is a mindset. You can be on vacation no matter where you are -- if you’ve decided you’re on a vacation! 

What kind of vacationer are you? How do you define vacation? Tell us at areyoutwostillfriends@gmail.com 

Friendship Tip

In this episode, we offered up the friendship tip of “be willing to try new things.”

Within every relationship, there are two, whole, complete persons who are going to grow and change as time passes. One way to create space within your friendship to allow for change and transformation is to be willing to try new things! In episode 6 we talked about leaning into things you both love, but Lueda and I don’t feel that tip and this tip are in opposition to one another. In fact, we feel they go hand-in-hand. 

If you can hold space for the things that brought you together as friends AND be willing to try new things, then you’re creating more opportunities to further develop the relationship and make memories that will deepen your appreciation and love for one another. 

Trying new things can be hard and scary. But remember: this is your friend! They’re likely not asking you to try something that’s to your detriment and they know what you like and don’t like! (Unless they’re not really a friend...in which case you should get rid of them!) Trust that your friend is wanting to have a new experience with you and offering up something that you may genuinely like. 

The more you can be open to new experiences, the more trust, love and connection you will build within a friendship. Remember, it’s okay if you try something new and you don’t end up liking it! What’s important is you tried, you gave your friend the benefit of the doubt. And it communicates that if you’re willing to try something small that’s new, then you’re willing to try something new that’s much bigger. 

What’s something new you’ve tried with your friend that you ended up loving? Or hating? Or that made for a great story? Tell us at areyoutwostillfriends@gmail.com.

What questions are we pondering this week? 

Lueda: How do I balance living in the moment and keep an eye on what’s next?

Being nearly a month into her new job has caused Lueda to stop and think about how she can be grateful for the opportunities that are already present and what the rest of this year is going to look like for her, now that she’s in this role. She often gets stuck in the cycle of: 

Wanting a plan → Getting overwhelmed → Shutting down → Being neither present or thinking of the future

So she’s spending this week looking for that sweet spot of enjoying all that’s here while also preparing for what’s ahead. 

What content are we consuming this week? 

Alexis: Schitt’s Creek

Countless friends have urged me to start watching Schitt’s Creek, so I did! And I’ve been loving it. But as I’ve discovered more shows over the years, I’ve become more aware of when shows are not interesting to me anymore (or too scary or violent) and simply stop watching them (and reassuring myself that that’s okay!). Some examples are: 

Arrested Development
How I Met Your Mother
House of Cards
Peaky Blinders
Game of Thrones

(Links in case you’re interested in watching them!)

What’s something uplifting you’d like to share with others?

Lueda: There are lots of ways to help others!

There are so many ways to help others in need and support them (especially during natural disasters and pandemics, for example). Financial giving, donating time, donating objects, praying, listening and holding space, organizing donations, cooking a meal, cleaning...the list goes on. There are so many ways to help that it’s crucial to remember that you don’t have to restrict yourself to one type of help or support. 

As long as people are getting the help they need, that’s what matters.

What’s something that’s sparked passion in you recently?  

Alexis: Girl’s Night

I’ve been spending a lot of time with friends lately and the girls’ night I had the other evening really lifted my spirits. It filled my cup, made me feel seen, heard and loved. As I prepare to move this summer, I’m reminding myself to lean into these friendships and do more things with friends before they go long-distance. And it’s sparked passion in me to be a better friend and love my people as well as I can!

In friendship,

Alexis & Lueda

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Episode 8 - “Things We Say Now”; Hard Conversations with Love; Harry Potter Wands; Sharon Says So IG Account


Episode 6 - Off-Limits Topics; Leaning Into Common Joys; Loving People to Life; JohnnySwim Music