Trailer - Are You Two Still Friends?

Have you ever wondered how people remain friends?

Despite time and geographical separation, some people seem to be able to maintain deep, meaningful friendships. But how do they do it?

Join us — Alexis Miller and Kristen Luedtke — on our new podcast Are You Two Still Friends? a show about two friends maintaining their relationship over the span of years and thousands of miles.

In this show, you’ll get a glimpse of the inner workings of our friendship and learn how we’ve stayed deeply connected despite only seeing each other in-person once a year — at most. Explore with us what it means to be in a long-distance friendship and be inspired to cultivate the same connection in meaning in your own friendships!

Check out our latest episodes soon!

In Friendship,

Alexis & Lueda


Episode 1 - Origin Story; Do Things Together; Bridgerton; Community