Episode 14 - In-Laws as Friends; Send Care Packages; Healthy Choices; President James Monroe

In this episode, Lueda and Alexis continue their mini-series on whether or not family members make good friends. In this episode, they discuss if in-laws make good friends! They also share the friendship tip of send care packages. Lastly, Lueda ponders what healthy choices look like for her and celebrates the arrival of increased sunshine in the land of ten thousand lakes.

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Topic of Discussion

In this episode, we continued with our mini-series on whether or not family members make good friends -- specifically, in-laws.  

Catch up on this mini-series by listening to Episode 11, Episode 12 and Episode 13!

Ahh, in-laws...some of the best or most tenuous relationships out there. Like the other types of relationships we’ve discussed in this mini-series (siblings, cousins, parents), it really depends if you can be friends with them or not. In-laws are particularly unique because they’re not actually related to you. And often, the relationship isn’t as old as relationships with blood relations. 

Like some of the other relationships we discussed, having healthy boundaries is crucial for the health of the relationship. Setting healthy boundaries can help the family grow as well as communicate more clearly with one another. Especially when an “outsider” is entering the family, it’s helpful to have boundaries or clear expectations so that person can more easily find their space within the family dynamic. 

As someone who has a sister-in-law and parents-in-law, I’ve discovered that there’s been a lot of growth and change within my relationship with them. I think part of this is because I’ve continued to grow and change, and since I’ve known them since I was in the fourth grade, that was bound to happen. But I also think it’s also because as I moved into my own family and looked at what’s right for my husband and me, I discovered that I had to create more boundaries and be more of an advocate for my family, which sometimes means our choices don’t meet the expectations of my in-laws. Such is life. 

As someone who’s not yet married, Lueda has the benefit of watching her friends and family members navigate their relationships with their in-laws. One of the things she’s really thought through is that boundaries -- for both sets of in-laws -- is going to be key to healthy, happy, symbiotic relationships. Also, creating the conditions for a great relationship to happen is important. Be cognizant of how welcomed your in-laws feel, include them in the familial relationships, be intentional about your actions toward them. 

 How are your relationships with your in-laws? Want to add to the conversation? Tell us at areyoutwostillfriends@gmail.com !  

Friendship Tip

In this episode, we shared the friendship tip of Send Care Packages. 

Care packages are one of the simplest, funnest and most thoughtful things you can do for your friends! Care Packages -- big or small -- communicate to your friend that you’re thinking of them, you care and that you know them (i.e. you’re getting them something you think or know they would like). 

Like Lueda, don’t put too much pressure on this! Whatever you send will be appreciated by your friend and help create a more meaningful connection with your friend. Even if you send something they don’t like or think is weird...they will most likely still appreciate the gesture! Even though we live in a world of technology that makes connecting over long distances easy, there’s something special about receiving a gift in the mail. 

What do you include in care packages you send to friends? Tell us at areyoutwostillfriends@gmail.com

What questions are we pondering this week? 

Lueda: What does healthy look like for me?  

A great question to ponder, as health looks different for everyone! Moreover, what does health look like for Lueda related to her Peloton (which she loves), food, mental health, schedule, relationships and more. She knows that she’s heavily influenced by other people and what’s healthy for them. With that awareness, Lueda can start to make better choices around her own health and recognize when she falls into the trap of simply doing something because it seems healthy for someone else. 

For all this pondering, Lueda feels she’s the most healthy in her schedule and her exercise routine. She’s managing her time well and making working out in some form a priority. Her primary focus for improving her health in her relationship with food.  

What content are we consuming this week? 

Alexis: James Monroe’s Biography; Bandsplain Podcast

In my pursuit of the goal of reading a biography on every president, I’ve made it to the fifth president, James Monroe. I’m currently halfway through the book James Monroe: A Life by Tim McGrath. I’m absolutely loving it! I’ve learned a lot about history, about the formation of political parties and about our fifth president who had some pretty serious roles in the formation of the U.S.

I’m also enjoying the podcast Bandsplain. It’s a music and word podcast that explains the origins of cult bands and why they create the type of music they do. It’s been really fun to listen to!

What’s something uplifting you’d like to share with others?

Lueda: Here comes the sun!

Spring has sprung, here comes the sun! Lueda is beyond excited about the weather getting warmer and warmer in Minnesota. And, the weather getting warmer reminds Lueda that no matter how dark the winter is, the spring will come again! There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. 

What’s something that’s sparked passion in you recently?  

Alexis: Writing

I believe I express myself the best through writing. So I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing anything and everything that comes to mind: these posts, creative writing, poetry, work assignments...it goes on. I’m working to not limit myself on what others will think and simply get down my thoughts on paper and let it go from there.

In friendship,

Alexis & Lueda

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Episode 15 - Guest Nishann LaNata on Colorado, Moving and Just Do It!


Episode 13 - Parents as Friends; Show Up; Meditation; Pick Your Head Up